Wellington Town Council minutes December 2007
Minutes of the meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall, Fore Street, Wellington on Monday 3rd December 2007 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman) who presided, Councillors P. Critchard (vice-chairman), J. Clark, R. Bowrah, A. Govier, G. Goodwin, Councillors Mrs G. Copley, S. Walters, J. Reed, J. Govier, N. Wilson, and V. Stock-Williams, the clerk A. Brown and the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne. There were apologies from Councillors R. Henley, C. Hindley and J. Lloyd. There were 22 members of the public present.
The chairman, Councillor D. Mitton said that during November he had attended a number of meetings of the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative, which involved Wellington, a number of Food Town meetings, attended a special service at Wellington Methodist Church to highlight the carnage taking place on the country’s roads, and referred to the successful switching on of the town’s Christmas lights despite the very wet weather on Friday, 30th November.
Mr John Swayne, the PCSO allocator/administrator at Wellington Police Station, reported that the new Wellington police sergeant Stuart Bell would be starting on 2nd January 2008, that there were two new officers based at Wellington – PC Philip John, who would be covering the Bradford on Tone beat, and PC Scott Minell, an emergency response officer who would be driving around in a marked police car to respond to emergencies and who would be working two early and two late shifts. It was a big step forward and would take some of the pressure off the community beat officers. Crime figures were similar to the previous month. There had been 7 thefts from motor vehicles. The PCSO’s had been checking on parked cars and had noticed that valuable items had been left on display, including a laptop computer. As a result letters had been sent out to 19 motorists in the district for leaving valuables on display in their cars. There had been a reduction in thefts from cars parked at Wellington Monument: the message was getting across to the public not to give opportunities to thieves and to put valuables in the boot. Mr Swayne, who is the councillor responsible for the new CCTV control room at Sedgemoor District Council in Bridgwater where Wellington’s 6 town centre CCTV cameras are monitored, said the police were pleased with the new CCTV cameras which produced high quality images and he hoped councillors would visit the CCTV centre to see them in action. The chairman informed him that councillors were arranging a visit in the New Year. Mr Swayne was asked for the police’s views on the request for the closure of the public footpath at Court Fields School and replied that personally he thought the possibility of more suitable fencing should be explored.
Mrs Isabel Ward, chairman of Wellington in Bloom, reported that members of the committee had been planting spring bulbs in beds at the Priory, outside the URC Church in Fore Street and in the park. The Ann Squire memorial bed in the parish churchyard was being cleared and would be replanted in the New Year. Ivy overhanging the public footpath by Lloyds Bank had been cleared by members.
Councillors Bowrah and Hindley declared personal interests on the item about traffic problems in Holyoake Street.
The minutes of the council meetings held on 5th November 2007, as previously circulated to councillors, were taken as read and signed as correct by the chairman Councillor Mitton, with the following amendments: for minute 14487 stating the first winter event was for the Friends of Wellington Park and performed by the operatic society and for minutes 14492 and 14493 to add the word recorded after abstentions.
This item had been deferred from the November meeting to allow councillors and members of the public enough time to consider the request from Court Fields Community School chairman of governors, Mr Steve Altria (see minute 14497). He had written a letter to the council asking for its support for the proposed permanent closure of the footpath running next to the school. Mr Altria explained there had been a long list of incidents of which had taken place at the school and believed the closure of the footpath was necessary to reduce the risk of a major incident occurring. He had also sent a list of incidents at the school to the council which had been circulated to members. Letters of objection had also been received from Mr B. Carter, Mrs D. Land, from Mr R. and Mrs C. Hitchcock and Mrs S. White. The footpath was currently closed on health and safety grounds while the new sports hall was being built. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to let members of the public speak who opposed the proposed closure. Concerns were raised the closure would greatly inconvenience residents particularly of Rockwell Green and the elderly who could not walk too far. The footpath was long established and had been registered as a public footpath for more than 160 years. Most of those opposing the proposed closure felt the answer to the school’s problems was to increase security and advocated ideas such as installing suitable fencing. Mr Wright, of the Ramblers Association said Mr Altria had showed him around the school site to indicate the problems. He said the school currently had 3 entrances and these would not be affected by proposed closure and therefore closure of the footpath would not prevent people from accessing the school. He felt the answer was to provide better fencing as currently it was inadequate. Mr B. Hillier said he thought the answer was to prosecute the perpetrators of incidents at the school and agreed with Mr Wright that there was little point closing the footpath when the gates were left wide open. Mr Altria said his principal concern was the welfare of school pupils and he felt by closing the footpath this would leave only two entrances to the school which would make it more secure. Councillor D. Mitton pointed out that a number of incidents had happened since the footpath had been closed while the new sports hall was being built so he was not convinced closing the footpath would help. Councillor A. Govier said he felt the security on the school site was woefully inadequate as it was easy to get over the fence. He was not convinced closing the footpath would make a huge difference to the number of school incidents and felt the way forward was to discuss with the school and other interested parties how to improve the security. He also suggested extending CCTV to the site. Councillor Copley said although originally she was in favour of closing the footpath having listened to people views and read the letters; including the list of incidents produced by Mr Altria, she had changed her mind. She said many of the incidents appeared to have been committed by one youth and felt appropriate action should have been taken against him. She also commented that out of the list of incidents only 6 of them could have really have started from the footpath. She believed installing better fencing would help as well as prosecuting those involved in the incidents. Councillor Bowrah echoed Councillor Copley’s views and questioned the lack of prosecutions.
Councillor J. Govier agreed that secure fencing should be installed and pointed out how well used the footpath was and agreed it would not be appropriate to close it. Councillor Stock-Williams said she was concerned about the pupils’ safety but was also concerned about the needs of the whole community and did not think closure of the footpath was the answer. Councillor A. Govier proposed with Councillor Stock-Williams seconding that a meeting should be set up between the school, town council, county council and other appropriate parties to discuss the security of the school which was carried unanimously.
Members received a copy of a letter sent by Wellington Rugby Club to Taunton DBC raising concerns about dog mess on the newly drained Beech Grove playing field and asking for warning signs to be erected about fouling and improved fencing to restrict access. This item was deferred from the last meeting to allow councillors further consideration as the letter was only received on the evening of the November meeting (see minute 14517). Councillors suspended standing orders to let Mr K. Bird, chairman of Wellington Sports Federation and Wellington Football Club, speak. He informed councillors there were also problems with dog fouling at the recreation field where approximately 150 children played every Saturday and Sunday. He pointed out the dangers associated with dog fouling such as Toxocariasis which had been well documented. He asked the council for its support for the introduction of a dog ban for the recreation field and Beech Grove playing field. Councillor Govier acknowledged the problem of dog fouling and pointed out the only playing field in Taunton Deane where dogs were banned as Wellington playing field. The other playing fields in Wellington were covered by a byelaw required dog owners to pick up their dog mess. He supported the request for signs to be erected in Beech Grove field and for the gaps in the hedge between the Recreation Ground and Beech Grove Field so pedestrians could only gain access at the top and bottom of the field. He suggested the matter be referred to Taunton DBC to come back with a working solution. Councillor Clark felt there should be an increase in dog warden patrols to discourage people and catch those people not picking up the dog faeces and also educate the public about the situation. He thought the council could look into increasing the patrols. Councillor Reed said she was a responsible dog owner who cleaned up after her dog and did not like the thought of being restricted to where she could take her dog but recognised the problem of dog fouling. Councillor Govier proposed with Councillor Stock-Williams seconding that the signs and gaps in the hedge at Beech Grove Playing Field be addressed, the possibility of increasing the patrols by dog wardens be looked into and that a letter be written to Taunton DBC asking for its comments on how to best tackle the problem. The vote was carried unanimously.
Councillors considered the idea of street cleaning in Wellington after questions were raised about it at the last meeting (see minute 14495). A response from Brian Gibbs at Taunton DBC was received about mechanical street cleaning which informed councillors of the current situation in Wellington. The ‘Schmidt Swingo’ machine operated in the town occasionally and it had been used in Wellington twice in the last month and was mainly used for removing leaves from areas where large machines could not get to and also to occasionally sweep the main footpaths. Mr Gibbs also pointed out the problems with removing chewing gum which involved high pressure jetting with steam which usually meant having to re-point the slabs after. He said a small green machine which currently swept pavements during the day in Taunton Town Centre could be freed up in the New Year for some use in Wellington. Councillor Bowrah welcomed the letter from Mr Gibbs and felt a greater use of mechanical cleaning in Wellington would be beneficial. Councillor Stock-Williams thought the offer of the use of the green machine in Wellington would be great. However, Councillor Wilson wanted to look into the costs of the town council buying its own machine. It was agreed to look into the costs of buying a green machine and report back to the next council meeting.
Councillors considered a report with draft forms for a new allotment tenancy drawn up by Councillor Mitton. It was agreed to approve the new forms.
A report was received by the assistant to the clerk about the town council website which looked in detail at the whole website and gave suggestions for improvements for individual web pages. It also recommended looking into the cost of updating the website with the suggested changes and to investigate possible sources for part-funding this. Councillor Stock-Williams agreed the website was in need of updating and proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Critchard and was agreed unanimously by the council.
Councillor J. Govier declared a personal interest in this item as she worked at the school and said she would not vote. Councillors considered a letter from Mr A. Wright, a parent governor at Wellesley Park School, who asked for a 20mph speed restriction to be placed on Hoyles Road outside the entrance to Homefield to encourage safety around the school. A response to this request was also received from Ian Titcombe of Somerset Highways who informed councillors of the county’s current position regarding 20mph speed limits outside schools. In his reply he said research had shown the introduction of a 20mph speed limit alone was only likely to reduce actual vehicle speeds by 2mph. The Department for Transport (DfT) will therefore only recommend 20mph limits are introduced where speeds are already low (below 24mph) or where additional traffic calming measures were planned. He stated policy for 20mph limits outside school was uncertain at the moment because these requests did not generally meet the Somerset County Council’s Local Transport Plan’s targets and objective or the DfT guidance. Councillor Critchard did not think the speed limit was necessary as he felt those ignoring the current speed limit were likely to do the same if it was 20mph. Councillor Stock-Williams said rather than support the introduction of a 20mph speed limit she would encourage the introduction of school walking buses. Councillor A. Govier thought the introduction of a 20 mph would make little difference without additional traffic calming measures which would mean a substantial scheme. Councillors agreed to write to the school governors suggesting they consider carrying out a survey among parents to see if they would be prepared to give their children more opportunity to walk to school as part of a pedestrian school bus which operates at some schools.
A letter was received from the Friends of Wellington Park asking for the council to consider making a grant of £1,650 towards entertainment in the park for summer 2008. The chairman and Councillor A Govier praised the group for its work which they said benefited the community. The chairman informed members the finance committee had looked at this and recommended approval and he proposed the grant of £1,650 be made. Councillor Critchard seconded the proposal and it was carried unanimously.
Letters were received from Jeremy Browne MP and police beat manager PC Nick Feetenby following a request for speed humps in Pyles Thorne Road. Councillor Critchard said traffic calming measures had already been put in place there as part of a joint initiative between the town council and county council and he thought the installation of speed humps would be overkill. Councillors agreed and voted not to take any action.
Councillors agreed to fix meetings for both the staffing committee and the CCTV committee on Thursday December 20.
Further to minute 14495 and 14536 letters were received from Taunton DBC leader Councillor Ross Henley in reply to a query raised by the town council about fixed penalty notices for litter. Councillor Henley said only three fixed penalty notices for litter had been issued by Taunton Deane which he found terribly disappointing. The responsibility for issued the notices lay with the PCSO’s as part of an agreement between Taunton DBC and the police. The chief executive of Taunton DBC would be writing on his behalf to the relevant senior police officer to express the council’s concerns about the low level of fixed penalty notices that have been issued. He would update the council again when he had more information. The letter was noted.
Further to minute 14484 a letter was received from Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J Hamer about the erection of a bungalow at 32 Mantle Street. He explained notifications were not sent to neighbours when it was first registered but were sent out after an occupier of a neighbouring property contacted them. Letters of notification were then sent out giving 21 days for comments to be submitted. He felt the oversight was rectified as soon as it was brought to the planning department’s attention and no nearby residents were disadvantaged. The letter was noted.
Further to minute 14507 a letter was received from Swallowfield works director Keri Allchurch about large goods vehicles using Holyoake Street. He said the company did not operate any LGV’s but only operated a 7.5 tonner which moved between the factory and the firm’s Lowmoor warehouse. He said many delivery and collection drivers were ‘regulars’ and are aware to avoid Holyoake Street. He said the company would make a point of reminding all drivers of the current restrictions over the next few weeks. The letter was noted.
With regard to minute 14051 (4th December 2006 meeting) a letter was received from Mr A. Bullen asking for the council to consider re-appointing him as internal auditor for 2007-08 annual accounts. The chairman acknowledge Mr Bullen’s good work and proposed with Councillor Critchard seconding that he be re-appointed at an hourly rate of £31.20 and councillors agreed unanimously.
A letter was received from county council chairman Councillor Alan Gloak asking the council to consider giving £500 a year for four years to help Somerset Youth prepare for 2012 Olympic Games. The chairman informed councillors the finance committee had looked at this matter and proposed the council should set aside £500 a year for four years to enable the council to help fund the expenses of any potential Wellington competitor training/taking part in the Olympics. Councillors agreed with this suggestion and approved the proposal.
A letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that Greenham Quarry Road, Wellington Without, would be closed for one day on 10th December to enable resurfacing work to be carried out. The letter was noted.
A letter was received from Somerset Strategic Partnership inviting a representative from the council to attend a consultation event to discuss priorities for Somerset’s future on Monday January 7 at Cheddon Fitzpaine Village Hall. The chairman said he would attend.
Councillors were reminded the next Wellington Economic Partnership meeting was on Tuesday December 4 at 6pm.
The clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of extension to create office and store at Wellington Kennels, Blackboy Farm, Bagley Green, Wellington (43/2007/140), (b) Erection of conservatory to rear of 63 Priory, Wellington (43/2007/152), (c) Erection of conservatory to rear of 64 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2007/150), (d) Erection of bungalow on land to the rear of 32 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/146), (e) External and internal works at 14 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/126LB), (f) Erection of single storey extension at rear, construction of pitched roof above garage and conversion of garage to additional living accommodation, Bell Close, Rockwell Green (43/2007/147), (g) Application to fell one eucalyptus tree within Wellington conservation area at 39a Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/151T), (h) Erection of dwelling to rear of 36 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2007/125), (i) Alterations to form basement gymnasium at the Cleve Country House Hotel, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/141), (j) Erection of replacement single storey extension at 8 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2007/142), (k) Erection of two storey building to incorporate 2 one bedroom units and 2 two bedroom units on land adjacent to Humphreys Road, Wellington (43/2007/133), (l) Erection of detached garage at 29 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2007/115).
The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plans: (a) Retention of non illuminated sign at 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/145LB) (b) Retention of externally illuminated projecting sign at Rule 7, 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/120A) (c) Retention of 2 blackboard signs and 1 externally illuminated projecting sign at 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/118LB)
A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2007 to 30th November 2007 was £142,950 (£133,596 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2008) and that expenditure for the same period was £119,475 (£166,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2008). The report was noted.
On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wireless CCTV £12.21 for telephone calls to CCTV camera for month ending 17/10/07; Hinewood Cleaning Service £76 for bus shelter and window cleaning for September 2007; BT £316.01 for telephone, internet and email calls and service charges for period 27/7/07 to 28/10/07; Mr Colin John £175 for magic show at Christmas lights switch-on; E.A. Ashwell £175 for 3 face painters at Christmas lights switch-on; Dean Bailey £200 for supplying roundabouts at Christmas lights switch-on; Mr A. Brown £278.81 back pay; Inland Revenue £588.39 for income tax and national insurance; Konica Minolta £272.20 for 3 months lease of photocopier to 29/2/08; Wireless CCTV £6.57 for telephone calls to CCTV camera for month ending 17/11/07; BT £58.60 for fax charges and rental charges to 31/1/08; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for bus shelter and window cleaning for October 2007; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £192 for concessionary patient transport to Musgrove Park Hospital for October 2007; Konica Minolta £897.86 for photocopier copy/print charges for period 11/6/07 to 15/11/07; Taunton Deane Association for Neighbourhood Care £833.96 for erection of fence at Stoneleigh adjoining Tone play area; Somerset Playing Fields Association £10 annual subscription; Wellington United Reformed Church £90 for church hall hire for October, November and December council meetings; Wellington Friends Preparative Meeting £50 donation for use of Friends Meeting House for face painting and magic show at Christmas light switch-on.
The clerk reported the following newsletters and reports were available from the clerk’s office for members to read if they wished: What’s on in Taunton Deane for December 2007; Lillebonne Town Council’s November and December 2007 municipal magazine.
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman) who presided, Councillors P. Critchard (vice-chairman), J. Clark, R. Bowrah, A. Govier, G. Goodwin, Councillors Mrs G. Copley, S. Walters, J. Reed, J. Govier, N. Wilson, and V. Stock-Williams, the clerk A. Brown and the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne. There were apologies from Councillors R. Henley, C. Hindley and J. Lloyd. There were 22 members of the public present.
The chairman, Councillor D. Mitton said that during November he had attended a number of meetings of the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative, which involved Wellington, a number of Food Town meetings, attended a special service at Wellington Methodist Church to highlight the carnage taking place on the country’s roads, and referred to the successful switching on of the town’s Christmas lights despite the very wet weather on Friday, 30th November.
Mr John Swayne, the PCSO allocator/administrator at Wellington Police Station, reported that the new Wellington police sergeant Stuart Bell would be starting on 2nd January 2008, that there were two new officers based at Wellington – PC Philip John, who would be covering the Bradford on Tone beat, and PC Scott Minell, an emergency response officer who would be driving around in a marked police car to respond to emergencies and who would be working two early and two late shifts. It was a big step forward and would take some of the pressure off the community beat officers. Crime figures were similar to the previous month. There had been 7 thefts from motor vehicles. The PCSO’s had been checking on parked cars and had noticed that valuable items had been left on display, including a laptop computer. As a result letters had been sent out to 19 motorists in the district for leaving valuables on display in their cars. There had been a reduction in thefts from cars parked at Wellington Monument: the message was getting across to the public not to give opportunities to thieves and to put valuables in the boot. Mr Swayne, who is the councillor responsible for the new CCTV control room at Sedgemoor District Council in Bridgwater where Wellington’s 6 town centre CCTV cameras are monitored, said the police were pleased with the new CCTV cameras which produced high quality images and he hoped councillors would visit the CCTV centre to see them in action. The chairman informed him that councillors were arranging a visit in the New Year. Mr Swayne was asked for the police’s views on the request for the closure of the public footpath at Court Fields School and replied that personally he thought the possibility of more suitable fencing should be explored.
Mrs Isabel Ward, chairman of Wellington in Bloom, reported that members of the committee had been planting spring bulbs in beds at the Priory, outside the URC Church in Fore Street and in the park. The Ann Squire memorial bed in the parish churchyard was being cleared and would be replanted in the New Year. Ivy overhanging the public footpath by Lloyds Bank had been cleared by members.
Councillors Bowrah and Hindley declared personal interests on the item about traffic problems in Holyoake Street.
The minutes of the council meetings held on 5th November 2007, as previously circulated to councillors, were taken as read and signed as correct by the chairman Councillor Mitton, with the following amendments: for minute 14487 stating the first winter event was for the Friends of Wellington Park and performed by the operatic society and for minutes 14492 and 14493 to add the word recorded after abstentions.
This item had been deferred from the November meeting to allow councillors and members of the public enough time to consider the request from Court Fields Community School chairman of governors, Mr Steve Altria (see minute 14497). He had written a letter to the council asking for its support for the proposed permanent closure of the footpath running next to the school. Mr Altria explained there had been a long list of incidents of which had taken place at the school and believed the closure of the footpath was necessary to reduce the risk of a major incident occurring. He had also sent a list of incidents at the school to the council which had been circulated to members. Letters of objection had also been received from Mr B. Carter, Mrs D. Land, from Mr R. and Mrs C. Hitchcock and Mrs S. White. The footpath was currently closed on health and safety grounds while the new sports hall was being built. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to let members of the public speak who opposed the proposed closure. Concerns were raised the closure would greatly inconvenience residents particularly of Rockwell Green and the elderly who could not walk too far. The footpath was long established and had been registered as a public footpath for more than 160 years. Most of those opposing the proposed closure felt the answer to the school’s problems was to increase security and advocated ideas such as installing suitable fencing. Mr Wright, of the Ramblers Association said Mr Altria had showed him around the school site to indicate the problems. He said the school currently had 3 entrances and these would not be affected by proposed closure and therefore closure of the footpath would not prevent people from accessing the school. He felt the answer was to provide better fencing as currently it was inadequate. Mr B. Hillier said he thought the answer was to prosecute the perpetrators of incidents at the school and agreed with Mr Wright that there was little point closing the footpath when the gates were left wide open. Mr Altria said his principal concern was the welfare of school pupils and he felt by closing the footpath this would leave only two entrances to the school which would make it more secure. Councillor D. Mitton pointed out that a number of incidents had happened since the footpath had been closed while the new sports hall was being built so he was not convinced closing the footpath would help. Councillor A. Govier said he felt the security on the school site was woefully inadequate as it was easy to get over the fence. He was not convinced closing the footpath would make a huge difference to the number of school incidents and felt the way forward was to discuss with the school and other interested parties how to improve the security. He also suggested extending CCTV to the site. Councillor Copley said although originally she was in favour of closing the footpath having listened to people views and read the letters; including the list of incidents produced by Mr Altria, she had changed her mind. She said many of the incidents appeared to have been committed by one youth and felt appropriate action should have been taken against him. She also commented that out of the list of incidents only 6 of them could have really have started from the footpath. She believed installing better fencing would help as well as prosecuting those involved in the incidents. Councillor Bowrah echoed Councillor Copley’s views and questioned the lack of prosecutions.
Councillor J. Govier agreed that secure fencing should be installed and pointed out how well used the footpath was and agreed it would not be appropriate to close it. Councillor Stock-Williams said she was concerned about the pupils’ safety but was also concerned about the needs of the whole community and did not think closure of the footpath was the answer. Councillor A. Govier proposed with Councillor Stock-Williams seconding that a meeting should be set up between the school, town council, county council and other appropriate parties to discuss the security of the school which was carried unanimously.
Members received a copy of a letter sent by Wellington Rugby Club to Taunton DBC raising concerns about dog mess on the newly drained Beech Grove playing field and asking for warning signs to be erected about fouling and improved fencing to restrict access. This item was deferred from the last meeting to allow councillors further consideration as the letter was only received on the evening of the November meeting (see minute 14517). Councillors suspended standing orders to let Mr K. Bird, chairman of Wellington Sports Federation and Wellington Football Club, speak. He informed councillors there were also problems with dog fouling at the recreation field where approximately 150 children played every Saturday and Sunday. He pointed out the dangers associated with dog fouling such as Toxocariasis which had been well documented. He asked the council for its support for the introduction of a dog ban for the recreation field and Beech Grove playing field. Councillor Govier acknowledged the problem of dog fouling and pointed out the only playing field in Taunton Deane where dogs were banned as Wellington playing field. The other playing fields in Wellington were covered by a byelaw required dog owners to pick up their dog mess. He supported the request for signs to be erected in Beech Grove field and for the gaps in the hedge between the Recreation Ground and Beech Grove Field so pedestrians could only gain access at the top and bottom of the field. He suggested the matter be referred to Taunton DBC to come back with a working solution. Councillor Clark felt there should be an increase in dog warden patrols to discourage people and catch those people not picking up the dog faeces and also educate the public about the situation. He thought the council could look into increasing the patrols. Councillor Reed said she was a responsible dog owner who cleaned up after her dog and did not like the thought of being restricted to where she could take her dog but recognised the problem of dog fouling. Councillor Govier proposed with Councillor Stock-Williams seconding that the signs and gaps in the hedge at Beech Grove Playing Field be addressed, the possibility of increasing the patrols by dog wardens be looked into and that a letter be written to Taunton DBC asking for its comments on how to best tackle the problem. The vote was carried unanimously.
Councillors considered the idea of street cleaning in Wellington after questions were raised about it at the last meeting (see minute 14495). A response from Brian Gibbs at Taunton DBC was received about mechanical street cleaning which informed councillors of the current situation in Wellington. The ‘Schmidt Swingo’ machine operated in the town occasionally and it had been used in Wellington twice in the last month and was mainly used for removing leaves from areas where large machines could not get to and also to occasionally sweep the main footpaths. Mr Gibbs also pointed out the problems with removing chewing gum which involved high pressure jetting with steam which usually meant having to re-point the slabs after. He said a small green machine which currently swept pavements during the day in Taunton Town Centre could be freed up in the New Year for some use in Wellington. Councillor Bowrah welcomed the letter from Mr Gibbs and felt a greater use of mechanical cleaning in Wellington would be beneficial. Councillor Stock-Williams thought the offer of the use of the green machine in Wellington would be great. However, Councillor Wilson wanted to look into the costs of the town council buying its own machine. It was agreed to look into the costs of buying a green machine and report back to the next council meeting.
Councillors considered a report with draft forms for a new allotment tenancy drawn up by Councillor Mitton. It was agreed to approve the new forms.
A report was received by the assistant to the clerk about the town council website which looked in detail at the whole website and gave suggestions for improvements for individual web pages. It also recommended looking into the cost of updating the website with the suggested changes and to investigate possible sources for part-funding this. Councillor Stock-Williams agreed the website was in need of updating and proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Critchard and was agreed unanimously by the council.
Councillor J. Govier declared a personal interest in this item as she worked at the school and said she would not vote. Councillors considered a letter from Mr A. Wright, a parent governor at Wellesley Park School, who asked for a 20mph speed restriction to be placed on Hoyles Road outside the entrance to Homefield to encourage safety around the school. A response to this request was also received from Ian Titcombe of Somerset Highways who informed councillors of the county’s current position regarding 20mph speed limits outside schools. In his reply he said research had shown the introduction of a 20mph speed limit alone was only likely to reduce actual vehicle speeds by 2mph. The Department for Transport (DfT) will therefore only recommend 20mph limits are introduced where speeds are already low (below 24mph) or where additional traffic calming measures were planned. He stated policy for 20mph limits outside school was uncertain at the moment because these requests did not generally meet the Somerset County Council’s Local Transport Plan’s targets and objective or the DfT guidance. Councillor Critchard did not think the speed limit was necessary as he felt those ignoring the current speed limit were likely to do the same if it was 20mph. Councillor Stock-Williams said rather than support the introduction of a 20mph speed limit she would encourage the introduction of school walking buses. Councillor A. Govier thought the introduction of a 20 mph would make little difference without additional traffic calming measures which would mean a substantial scheme. Councillors agreed to write to the school governors suggesting they consider carrying out a survey among parents to see if they would be prepared to give their children more opportunity to walk to school as part of a pedestrian school bus which operates at some schools.
A letter was received from the Friends of Wellington Park asking for the council to consider making a grant of £1,650 towards entertainment in the park for summer 2008. The chairman and Councillor A Govier praised the group for its work which they said benefited the community. The chairman informed members the finance committee had looked at this and recommended approval and he proposed the grant of £1,650 be made. Councillor Critchard seconded the proposal and it was carried unanimously.
Letters were received from Jeremy Browne MP and police beat manager PC Nick Feetenby following a request for speed humps in Pyles Thorne Road. Councillor Critchard said traffic calming measures had already been put in place there as part of a joint initiative between the town council and county council and he thought the installation of speed humps would be overkill. Councillors agreed and voted not to take any action.
Councillors agreed to fix meetings for both the staffing committee and the CCTV committee on Thursday December 20.
Further to minute 14495 and 14536 letters were received from Taunton DBC leader Councillor Ross Henley in reply to a query raised by the town council about fixed penalty notices for litter. Councillor Henley said only three fixed penalty notices for litter had been issued by Taunton Deane which he found terribly disappointing. The responsibility for issued the notices lay with the PCSO’s as part of an agreement between Taunton DBC and the police. The chief executive of Taunton DBC would be writing on his behalf to the relevant senior police officer to express the council’s concerns about the low level of fixed penalty notices that have been issued. He would update the council again when he had more information. The letter was noted.
Further to minute 14484 a letter was received from Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J Hamer about the erection of a bungalow at 32 Mantle Street. He explained notifications were not sent to neighbours when it was first registered but were sent out after an occupier of a neighbouring property contacted them. Letters of notification were then sent out giving 21 days for comments to be submitted. He felt the oversight was rectified as soon as it was brought to the planning department’s attention and no nearby residents were disadvantaged. The letter was noted.
Further to minute 14507 a letter was received from Swallowfield works director Keri Allchurch about large goods vehicles using Holyoake Street. He said the company did not operate any LGV’s but only operated a 7.5 tonner which moved between the factory and the firm’s Lowmoor warehouse. He said many delivery and collection drivers were ‘regulars’ and are aware to avoid Holyoake Street. He said the company would make a point of reminding all drivers of the current restrictions over the next few weeks. The letter was noted.
With regard to minute 14051 (4th December 2006 meeting) a letter was received from Mr A. Bullen asking for the council to consider re-appointing him as internal auditor for 2007-08 annual accounts. The chairman acknowledge Mr Bullen’s good work and proposed with Councillor Critchard seconding that he be re-appointed at an hourly rate of £31.20 and councillors agreed unanimously.
A letter was received from county council chairman Councillor Alan Gloak asking the council to consider giving £500 a year for four years to help Somerset Youth prepare for 2012 Olympic Games. The chairman informed councillors the finance committee had looked at this matter and proposed the council should set aside £500 a year for four years to enable the council to help fund the expenses of any potential Wellington competitor training/taking part in the Olympics. Councillors agreed with this suggestion and approved the proposal.
A letter was received from Somerset Highways stating that Greenham Quarry Road, Wellington Without, would be closed for one day on 10th December to enable resurfacing work to be carried out. The letter was noted.
A letter was received from Somerset Strategic Partnership inviting a representative from the council to attend a consultation event to discuss priorities for Somerset’s future on Monday January 7 at Cheddon Fitzpaine Village Hall. The chairman said he would attend.
Councillors were reminded the next Wellington Economic Partnership meeting was on Tuesday December 4 at 6pm.
The clerk reported that Taunton Deane Borough Council had approved the following plans: (a) Erection of extension to create office and store at Wellington Kennels, Blackboy Farm, Bagley Green, Wellington (43/2007/140), (b) Erection of conservatory to rear of 63 Priory, Wellington (43/2007/152), (c) Erection of conservatory to rear of 64 Millstream Gardens, Wellington (43/2007/150), (d) Erection of bungalow on land to the rear of 32 Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/146), (e) External and internal works at 14 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/126LB), (f) Erection of single storey extension at rear, construction of pitched roof above garage and conversion of garage to additional living accommodation, Bell Close, Rockwell Green (43/2007/147), (g) Application to fell one eucalyptus tree within Wellington conservation area at 39a Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/151T), (h) Erection of dwelling to rear of 36 Rockwell Green, Wellington (43/2007/125), (i) Alterations to form basement gymnasium at the Cleve Country House Hotel, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/141), (j) Erection of replacement single storey extension at 8 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2007/142), (k) Erection of two storey building to incorporate 2 one bedroom units and 2 two bedroom units on land adjacent to Humphreys Road, Wellington (43/2007/133), (l) Erection of detached garage at 29 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2007/115).
The clerk reported that Taunton DBC had refused the following plans: (a) Retention of non illuminated sign at 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/145LB) (b) Retention of externally illuminated projecting sign at Rule 7, 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/120A) (c) Retention of 2 blackboard signs and 1 externally illuminated projecting sign at 21 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/118LB)
A report was received from the clerk showing that the council’s income for the period from 1st April 2007 to 30th November 2007 was £142,950 (£133,596 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2008) and that expenditure for the same period was £119,475 (£166,800 estimated for the full year to 31st March 2008). The report was noted.
On the proposition of Councillor Mitton, seconded by Councillor Critchard, it was agreed to authorise the payment of the following accounts and the signing of the following cheques: Wireless CCTV £12.21 for telephone calls to CCTV camera for month ending 17/10/07; Hinewood Cleaning Service £76 for bus shelter and window cleaning for September 2007; BT £316.01 for telephone, internet and email calls and service charges for period 27/7/07 to 28/10/07; Mr Colin John £175 for magic show at Christmas lights switch-on; E.A. Ashwell £175 for 3 face painters at Christmas lights switch-on; Dean Bailey £200 for supplying roundabouts at Christmas lights switch-on; Mr A. Brown £278.81 back pay; Inland Revenue £588.39 for income tax and national insurance; Konica Minolta £272.20 for 3 months lease of photocopier to 29/2/08; Wireless CCTV £6.57 for telephone calls to CCTV camera for month ending 17/11/07; BT £58.60 for fax charges and rental charges to 31/1/08; Hinewood Cleaning Service £48 for bus shelter and window cleaning for October 2007; Taunton Deane Community Transport Ltd £192 for concessionary patient transport to Musgrove Park Hospital for October 2007; Konica Minolta £897.86 for photocopier copy/print charges for period 11/6/07 to 15/11/07; Taunton Deane Association for Neighbourhood Care £833.96 for erection of fence at Stoneleigh adjoining Tone play area; Somerset Playing Fields Association £10 annual subscription; Wellington United Reformed Church £90 for church hall hire for October, November and December council meetings; Wellington Friends Preparative Meeting £50 donation for use of Friends Meeting House for face painting and magic show at Christmas light switch-on.
The clerk reported the following newsletters and reports were available from the clerk’s office for members to read if they wished: What’s on in Taunton Deane for December 2007; Lillebonne Town Council’s November and December 2007 municipal magazine.
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