Wellinton Town Council 2007 minutes

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Wellington Town Council planning minutes December 2007

Minutes of the 128th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington, on Monday 3rd December 2007 at 6pm

PRESENT: Councillors D. Mitton (chairman) who presided, P. Critchard (vice-chairman), J. Clark, R. Bowrah, A. Govier, G. Goodwin, S. Walters, J. Reed, J. Govier, N. Wilson, G. Copley and V. Stock-Williams and the clerk Mr A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors Mrs J. Lloyd, C. Hindley and R. Henley. There were 3 members of the public present.

Councillors Critchard and Bowrah stated they were members of Taunton DBC planning committee and reserved their right to vote differently at Taunton DBC planning committee meeting than at the town council planning meeting as different facts could be placed before them. Councillors Critchard and Goodwin declared personal interests in the item on Oakfield Park and said they would not vote.

The council received details of the following application: Erection of two storey and single storey extensions at 15 Oakfield Park, Wellington (43/2007/148). Letters of objection were received from Mr A. Bull, Mrs J. Adnitt, Mr and Mrs R. Perrett, Mr and Mrs Gillard on the grounds the extensions were too big, intrusive, and out of keeping. The planning officer recommended refusal on the grounds the proposed development would adversely affect the character of the building and visual amenity. Planning manager Mr Hamer said not all the letters of objection they had received were pertinent to planning but he was recommending refusal because of the adverse effect on the character of the building and street scene although the single storey element of the application was acceptable. Councillors suspended standing orders to let the applicant Mr R. Baker speak who informed councillors of the reason for his extension because of the increase in his family and also the annexe would be for his mother. He also said he would be moving his business vehicles from the street and he hoped to be moving his business shortly to Rylands Business Park at Bagley Road. Councillor A. Govier said he felt the two-storey extension was too much and Councillor J. Govier agreed. Councillor Copley felt the applicant should look again at the proposal and come back with something smaller. Councillor Mitton proposed refusal which was seconded by Councillor Stock-Williams and the vote was carried by 8 votes to 1 with 2 abstentions. The chairman reminded the applicant he could come back with another application within 12 months at no extra cost.

The council considered the following applications:
(a) Erection of supermarket (1,965 sq.m) with associated car parking and servicing on land to the rear of 36-46 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/163: partial amendment to planning permission 43/2004/141). Mr Hamer informed the council these were only minor changes to the previously approved scheme which included a narrow pathway to allow for maintenance to the building and a slight change to the main entrance and he did not feel there were any problems with the proposed changes. Councillor A. Govier recommended approval and was seconded by Councillor Clark and the vote was carried unanimously.
(b) Construction of a timber double garage, caretaker’s workshop and greenhouse plus the creation of 9 additional parking spaces at Court Fields Community School, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/161). This application was to be decided by Somerset County Council. Councillor A. Govier declared a personal interest as a member of Somerset County Council and did not vote. Councillor Clark recommended approval which was seconded by Councillor J. Govier and the vote was carried unanimously.
(c) Erection of first floor extension above garage, two storey, single storey and porch extensions to the north elevation at 17 Monument Close, Wellington (43/2007/160: revised design to 43/2007/105). Mr Hamer said the planning department were happy with it and so Councillor A. Govier recommended approval which was seconded by Councillor Critchard subject to the usual conditions of no undue overlooking or loss of privacy and the vote was carried unanimously.
(d) Alterations to fenestration at Unit B, Drakes Place, Wellington (43/2007/156LB and 43/2007/162). Mr Hamer said he thought the proposal was acceptable. Councillor A. Govier recommended approval and was seconded by Councillor J. Govier and the vote was carried unanimously.
(e) Display of advertisement board at Cades Farm, Wellington (43/2007/159A). Mr Hamer said he was happy with the proposal provided it was only a temporary arrangement. Councillors agreed unanimously to recommend approval on condition the board was in place only as long as the development took place.

Mr Hamer reminded the meeting that outline planning permission had been granted for the Cades Farm site and he expected an application for full planning permission for the site to be submitted in the next week or so. Councillor Goodwin raised concerns about the loss of hedgerows for the Chelston House Farm Business Park site. Mr Hamer said permission had been granted for reducing the height of the hedges along the relief road and thinning out the scrub.