Wellington Town Council planning minutes May 2007
Minutes of the 121st planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 14 May 2007 at 7pm
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman) who presided, Councillor P. Critchard (vice-chairman), Councillors R. Bowrah, J. Clark, C. Hindley, A. Govier, R. Henley, G. Goodwin, Councillors Mrs S. Walters, J. Reed, J. Govier, G. Copley, V. Stock-Williams, J. Lloyd and N. Wilson, the clerk A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J.Hamer. There were 50 members of the public present.
Councillors Bowrah, Govier, Henley, Wilson, Stock-Williams, Copley, and Critchard declared they were members of Taunton DBC and could become members of Taunton DBC planning committee and reserved their rights to vote differently at Taunton DBC planning committee meeting than at the town council planning meeting if they had different facts placed before them. Councillors A. Govier, Henley, Lloyd, Stock-Williams declared a personal interest in the application for a new medical centre as they were all patients of Wellington Medical Centre. Councillor Clark also declared a personal interest in the item about a new medical centre and said he would not be voting on that item and Councillor Govier declared a personal interest in that item as a non executive director of Somerset Primary Care Trust. Councillor Wilson also declared a personal interest in that item and declared she would not be able to vote on that item. Councillor Bowrah declared a prejudicial interest in the application for extension at 1 Laburnum Road.
The town council received details of an application for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to APPROVE planning permission for the following applications: (a) Conversion of ground floor shop with flat over into 2 two bedroomed flats at 23 North Street, Wellington (43/2006/157) as amended by agents letter received 25th January 2007 together with accompanying drawing No. 2241/2A and further amended by letter dated 5th April 2007 and drawing No. 2241/2D, see minutes 14145 and 14185, planning officers were happy with the amended plans and councillors agreed to approve the application subject to a condition being added for suitable drainage, (b) Erection of first floor extension at rear of 1 Laburnum Road, Wellington (43/2007/048). Councillor Bowrah left the room while this item was debated.
The council resolved to REFUSE the following application: (a) Erection of single storey extension and construction of dormer window to 5 Orchard Close, Lower Westford, Wellington (43/2007/022) because it was felt the extension was out of keeping with the character of the building and would result in loss of privacy and overlooking. Letters of objection were received from Mr and Mrs Marke, Mr W. Hansford and M. Jordan on the grounds of loss of privacy, out of keeping/character, detrimental visual impact and possible foundation damage.
With regard to minutes 14147 and 14187 the council considered the following application (a) Erection of medical centre with attached services, including car parks, external works and landscaping and formation of access to Mantle Street, land to South and West of 112B Mantle Street (part of Trinity Farm), Wellington (43/2007/026) as amended by flood risk assessment received on 23rd April 2007 and letter dated 11th May 2007 with assessment of Bulford site premises, outline landscape assessment, design and landscape strategy, revised tree survey and assessment and drawing Nos. DSW340/DRG 02A, 03 and S60-PL-03 REV A. A report from the Highways Authority had been received which raised no objection to the application. Taunton DBC planning manager John Hamer explained that the proposed site was outside the settlement limit, within the green wedge, and they had received a number of objections from people concerned about access. However, Mr Hamer said although it was outside the settlement limit it was felt the site was suitable for ‘community use’ such as a new medical centre. The medical centre had also considered many sites over the years and the current site was impractical and too costly. In view of this the planning officers were likely to be in favour of the application. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to let members of the public speak. Dorothy Christmas said she was primarily concerned about building on the green wedge which was protected under the local plan and also about the loss of residents parking. She also felt the proposal would lead to a huge increase in the amount of traffic in the area. Charles Gledhill, of 95 Mantle Street, informed councillors about the wildlife on the site and said he thought the application was contrary to planning policy. He also thought the application if approved would set a precedent. Andrew Paxton, who is a member of the local residents association, said they had 70 residents who opposed the application attend their last meeting. He raised concerns about parking and also pointed out there were many accidents which already occurred on the street. He said the site was also quite a distance from the current medical centre. Other members of the public who spoke included Ken Winhall, Norman Clark, Tamsyn Witchall, Kim Thorne, Max Lyons, and Randall Dowsey who also raised objections on the grounds of increased congestion/traffic, impact on wildlife, building on the green wedge, loss of parking, and concern about a possible increase in traffic accidents. In support of the application was Steve Palmer who said the loss of parking had to be weighed up against improved health services. Former GP Rod Fairburn who had been a doctor in the town for 32 years said the medical centre had explored many sites for more than 10 years and the new medical centre would provide state of the art facilities for local residents for many years to come. The applicants architect Kevin Goodenough told the meeting there was a possibility a parking scheme could be introduced to enable local residents to park on the site. Councillor A.Govier told the meeting whilst he very much welcomed a new medical centre he thought this proposal was an inappropriate site for the new medical centre. He had visited the site and felt the whole meadow was a special landscaping feature. He was also concerned about the knock-on effect would be on loss of on-street parking. His views were echoed by Councillors Bowrah, Henley, Hindley, Wilson, Clark, Reed, Lloyd, J. Govier, Stock-Williams, and Copley. Councillor Hindley said he thought Cades Farm would be an appropriate site for the new medical centre and Councillor Clark informed members he had proposed an alternative site for the medical centre but could not yet reveal its location as discussions were still ongoing. Councillor Reed said she had consulted another architect who believed it was feasible to create a second floor on the current medical centre.
Councillor Stock-Williams said if Taunton DBC rejected the application she would like them to set up a task and finish group to look for an alternative site for a new medical centre. Councillor A. Govier proposed objecting to the proposal on the grounds it was outside the settlement limit, it was an incursion into the green wedge between Wellington and Rockwell Green, it would be an adverse effect on the special landscaping feature, there are unresolved highway issues, it would result in the loss of on-street parking spaces, and to include Councillor Stock-Williams recommendation should Taunton DBC reject the application to set up a task and finish group to find a more suitable site for a new medical centre within the town centre. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Hindley. Councillor Bowrah declared he was against the proposal and that he would be voting against the application and would also be voting against the application at Taunton DBC planning committee. The chairman reminded Councillor Bowrah that by making these remarks he would be fettering discretion and would not be able to vote at the Taunton DBC planning committee. The proposal was put to the vote and was carried by 5 – 0.
With regard to minutes 14150 and 14188 it was agreed to defer the following application (a) Erection of a pair of dwellings to rear of 52 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/165) as amended by agents letter dated 2nd April 2007 and accompanying plans nos. 1337/06/3 Iss 3, 1337/07/06 received on 3rd April 2007 in order to seek clarity regarding the report from the conservation officer.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of 2 two bedroom flats to side of 67a and 67b Beech Hill, Wellington (43/2007/039). A letter of objection was received from Mr and Mrs S. Harding on grounds of increased highway danger and increased neighbour disputes. Planning officer recommended approval. Councillor Mitton proposed support of the application which was seconded by Councillor A. Govier. Councillor Pritchard declared he was against the application. The proposal was carried 4 to 1 in favour of the application. There were 2 abstentions; (b) Erection of two porches, replacement sky light, replace felt and batten part of roof, 45 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/034LB); (c) Construction of replacement dormer window to south east elevation and two new dormer windows to north west elevation at Kilimani, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2007/056); (d) Retention of timber windows, Wellington Conservative Club, 19 High Street, Wellington (433/2007/045LB); (e) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 6 Pyles Thorne Close, Wellington (43/2007/042) providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours; (f) Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings and 2 flats at Hill View, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2006/064), (g) Change of use of ground floor living area to office (B1) at Squirrel Cottage, 30a Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/057).
The town council considered the following applications: (a) Erection of two storey building to incorporate 2 one bedroom units and 2 two bedroom units on land adjacent to Humphreys Road, Wellington (43/2007/062). It was agreed to defer a decision until the planning officer’s comments on visual impact and the impact on existing residents had been received.
(b) Erection of 2 four bedroom houses with car ports and bike store on land opposite Bridge House, Westford, Wellington (43/2007/061).It was agreed to defer the application until the impact had been assessed on site and the view of the various consultees had been received. The council also agreed to contact Taunton DBC to request consideration be given to the development along the northern boundary of the site to be set back sufficiently to provide room for the provision of a footway from the railway bridge to the western boundary of the site.
It was agreed to inform Somerset County Council that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Construction of two storey sport hall building which will incorporate special education needs facilities at Court Fields Community School, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/046).
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman) who presided, Councillor P. Critchard (vice-chairman), Councillors R. Bowrah, J. Clark, C. Hindley, A. Govier, R. Henley, G. Goodwin, Councillors Mrs S. Walters, J. Reed, J. Govier, G. Copley, V. Stock-Williams, J. Lloyd and N. Wilson, the clerk A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J.Hamer. There were 50 members of the public present.
Councillors Bowrah, Govier, Henley, Wilson, Stock-Williams, Copley, and Critchard declared they were members of Taunton DBC and could become members of Taunton DBC planning committee and reserved their rights to vote differently at Taunton DBC planning committee meeting than at the town council planning meeting if they had different facts placed before them. Councillors A. Govier, Henley, Lloyd, Stock-Williams declared a personal interest in the application for a new medical centre as they were all patients of Wellington Medical Centre. Councillor Clark also declared a personal interest in the item about a new medical centre and said he would not be voting on that item and Councillor Govier declared a personal interest in that item as a non executive director of Somerset Primary Care Trust. Councillor Wilson also declared a personal interest in that item and declared she would not be able to vote on that item. Councillor Bowrah declared a prejudicial interest in the application for extension at 1 Laburnum Road.
The town council received details of an application for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to APPROVE planning permission for the following applications: (a) Conversion of ground floor shop with flat over into 2 two bedroomed flats at 23 North Street, Wellington (43/2006/157) as amended by agents letter received 25th January 2007 together with accompanying drawing No. 2241/2A and further amended by letter dated 5th April 2007 and drawing No. 2241/2D, see minutes 14145 and 14185, planning officers were happy with the amended plans and councillors agreed to approve the application subject to a condition being added for suitable drainage, (b) Erection of first floor extension at rear of 1 Laburnum Road, Wellington (43/2007/048). Councillor Bowrah left the room while this item was debated.
The council resolved to REFUSE the following application: (a) Erection of single storey extension and construction of dormer window to 5 Orchard Close, Lower Westford, Wellington (43/2007/022) because it was felt the extension was out of keeping with the character of the building and would result in loss of privacy and overlooking. Letters of objection were received from Mr and Mrs Marke, Mr W. Hansford and M. Jordan on the grounds of loss of privacy, out of keeping/character, detrimental visual impact and possible foundation damage.
With regard to minutes 14147 and 14187 the council considered the following application (a) Erection of medical centre with attached services, including car parks, external works and landscaping and formation of access to Mantle Street, land to South and West of 112B Mantle Street (part of Trinity Farm), Wellington (43/2007/026) as amended by flood risk assessment received on 23rd April 2007 and letter dated 11th May 2007 with assessment of Bulford site premises, outline landscape assessment, design and landscape strategy, revised tree survey and assessment and drawing Nos. DSW340/DRG 02A, 03 and S60-PL-03 REV A. A report from the Highways Authority had been received which raised no objection to the application. Taunton DBC planning manager John Hamer explained that the proposed site was outside the settlement limit, within the green wedge, and they had received a number of objections from people concerned about access. However, Mr Hamer said although it was outside the settlement limit it was felt the site was suitable for ‘community use’ such as a new medical centre. The medical centre had also considered many sites over the years and the current site was impractical and too costly. In view of this the planning officers were likely to be in favour of the application. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to let members of the public speak. Dorothy Christmas said she was primarily concerned about building on the green wedge which was protected under the local plan and also about the loss of residents parking. She also felt the proposal would lead to a huge increase in the amount of traffic in the area. Charles Gledhill, of 95 Mantle Street, informed councillors about the wildlife on the site and said he thought the application was contrary to planning policy. He also thought the application if approved would set a precedent. Andrew Paxton, who is a member of the local residents association, said they had 70 residents who opposed the application attend their last meeting. He raised concerns about parking and also pointed out there were many accidents which already occurred on the street. He said the site was also quite a distance from the current medical centre. Other members of the public who spoke included Ken Winhall, Norman Clark, Tamsyn Witchall, Kim Thorne, Max Lyons, and Randall Dowsey who also raised objections on the grounds of increased congestion/traffic, impact on wildlife, building on the green wedge, loss of parking, and concern about a possible increase in traffic accidents. In support of the application was Steve Palmer who said the loss of parking had to be weighed up against improved health services. Former GP Rod Fairburn who had been a doctor in the town for 32 years said the medical centre had explored many sites for more than 10 years and the new medical centre would provide state of the art facilities for local residents for many years to come. The applicants architect Kevin Goodenough told the meeting there was a possibility a parking scheme could be introduced to enable local residents to park on the site. Councillor A.Govier told the meeting whilst he very much welcomed a new medical centre he thought this proposal was an inappropriate site for the new medical centre. He had visited the site and felt the whole meadow was a special landscaping feature. He was also concerned about the knock-on effect would be on loss of on-street parking. His views were echoed by Councillors Bowrah, Henley, Hindley, Wilson, Clark, Reed, Lloyd, J. Govier, Stock-Williams, and Copley. Councillor Hindley said he thought Cades Farm would be an appropriate site for the new medical centre and Councillor Clark informed members he had proposed an alternative site for the medical centre but could not yet reveal its location as discussions were still ongoing. Councillor Reed said she had consulted another architect who believed it was feasible to create a second floor on the current medical centre.
Councillor Stock-Williams said if Taunton DBC rejected the application she would like them to set up a task and finish group to look for an alternative site for a new medical centre. Councillor A. Govier proposed objecting to the proposal on the grounds it was outside the settlement limit, it was an incursion into the green wedge between Wellington and Rockwell Green, it would be an adverse effect on the special landscaping feature, there are unresolved highway issues, it would result in the loss of on-street parking spaces, and to include Councillor Stock-Williams recommendation should Taunton DBC reject the application to set up a task and finish group to find a more suitable site for a new medical centre within the town centre. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Hindley. Councillor Bowrah declared he was against the proposal and that he would be voting against the application and would also be voting against the application at Taunton DBC planning committee. The chairman reminded Councillor Bowrah that by making these remarks he would be fettering discretion and would not be able to vote at the Taunton DBC planning committee. The proposal was put to the vote and was carried by 5 – 0.
With regard to minutes 14150 and 14188 it was agreed to defer the following application (a) Erection of a pair of dwellings to rear of 52 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/165) as amended by agents letter dated 2nd April 2007 and accompanying plans nos. 1337/06/3 Iss 3, 1337/07/06 received on 3rd April 2007 in order to seek clarity regarding the report from the conservation officer.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of 2 two bedroom flats to side of 67a and 67b Beech Hill, Wellington (43/2007/039). A letter of objection was received from Mr and Mrs S. Harding on grounds of increased highway danger and increased neighbour disputes. Planning officer recommended approval. Councillor Mitton proposed support of the application which was seconded by Councillor A. Govier. Councillor Pritchard declared he was against the application. The proposal was carried 4 to 1 in favour of the application. There were 2 abstentions; (b) Erection of two porches, replacement sky light, replace felt and batten part of roof, 45 High Street, Wellington (43/2007/034LB); (c) Construction of replacement dormer window to south east elevation and two new dormer windows to north west elevation at Kilimani, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2007/056); (d) Retention of timber windows, Wellington Conservative Club, 19 High Street, Wellington (433/2007/045LB); (e) Erection of dwelling on land adjacent to 6 Pyles Thorne Close, Wellington (43/2007/042) providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours; (f) Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 2 dwellings and 2 flats at Hill View, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2006/064), (g) Change of use of ground floor living area to office (B1) at Squirrel Cottage, 30a Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/057).
The town council considered the following applications: (a) Erection of two storey building to incorporate 2 one bedroom units and 2 two bedroom units on land adjacent to Humphreys Road, Wellington (43/2007/062). It was agreed to defer a decision until the planning officer’s comments on visual impact and the impact on existing residents had been received.
(b) Erection of 2 four bedroom houses with car ports and bike store on land opposite Bridge House, Westford, Wellington (43/2007/061).It was agreed to defer the application until the impact had been assessed on site and the view of the various consultees had been received. The council also agreed to contact Taunton DBC to request consideration be given to the development along the northern boundary of the site to be set back sufficiently to provide room for the provision of a footway from the railway bridge to the western boundary of the site.
It was agreed to inform Somerset County Council that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Construction of two storey sport hall building which will incorporate special education needs facilities at Court Fields Community School, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/046).
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