Wellington Town Council planning minutes January 2007
Minutes of the 117th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 8th January 2007 at 6pm
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman), who presided, Councillor P. Critchard (vice-chairman), Councillors R. Bowrah, who arrived at 6.50pm, A. Govier, J. Clark, S. Palmer, R. Henley, E. Warren, Councillors Mrs K. Biscoe, who arrived at 7.03pm, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, the clerk A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Hindley and G. James and Councillor Mrs V. Byrne. There were 30 members of the public present.
It was agreed to defer the following application: (a) Erection of double garage with lay-by to rear of 28 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2006/154) at the request of Taunton DBC planning manager John Hamer who explained the planning department were currently in discussion with the applicant.
The town council considered an application for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 8 self contained flats at Hill View, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2006/143). Letters of objection were received from S, J, R. Lovell and Mrs M. Dracup on grounds of traffic problems, congestion, noise and loss of view, plus letters of concern from Mr and Mrs W. Bailey, C. Holland and A. & J. Dryden about traffic and parking problems with a suggestion that the flats should run parallel to Bakers Lane, all enclosed. There was also a statement by the agent with regard to concerns raised about existing lane/garage forecourt, pedestrian access, existing public highway, bin stores, boundary with 113 Buckwell, wildlife and park. Mr Hamer said although it was acceptable in principle he did have some concerns about the form of the two storey building. He had also received concerns from local residents about the rights of way although there was no objection from Highways. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr W. Bailey to speak who expressed concern about congestion in Buckwell and the difficulties with parking there. Councillor Copley said she was concerned about the impact it might have on local wildlife. Councillor Henley said he thought it would be an overdevelopment of the site and proposed objecting to the application which was seconded by Councillor Critchard. It was agreed to object to the application on the grounds of the number of dwellings proposed which was considered to be to high for the site, the form and design of the proposed block of flats, the adverse affect the development will have on congestion in the Buckwell area, and the adverse effect it will also have on the present wildlife on site.
The town council considered application for residential development to provide 69 dwellings (45 houses and 24 flats), formation of access and associated works, at the former ABL and Westford Plastics Premises, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington (43/2006/163). Mr Hamer said there was some concern about access to the site and explained government policy was to redevelop brownfield sites and go for as much density as can be achieved. Although comments had yet to be received from the highways authority, Mr Hamer said it did no raise any objections regarding access for the former application for 43 houses although there were some concerns about Payton Road. He also pointed out that if the application was refused there was still the option to use the site for industrial use which could generate an increase in traffic. It was agreed to suspend standing orders to allow some members of the public to speak.
Mr Tony Bundy said he welcomed redevelopment of the site for residential housing but had reservations about the number of houses and the increase in traffic on narrow roads. He wanted a much lower number of houses on the site such as was proposed in the previous application for 43 houses. Another local resident Mr Trevor Morgan was also in agreement with Mr Bundy and welcomed redevelopment of the site but felt the number of proposed houses was too high as did Mr Christopher Rowley who told councillors he was concerned about the effect on traffic congestion particularly at Westford Bridge. Other concerns were also raised about the possible increase of vehicles on the roads at Rockwell Green and Westford. Councillor Govier said the major concern the local residents had was the additional traffic which would result from the proposed development. There was also the ongoing issue of trying to get footpaths by the bridge. Councillor Govier proposed, with Councillor Palmer seconding, a site meeting with the highways authority to see if there are improvements that can be made to the roads and also to look at the number of houses proposed on the site. This was agreed.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of ground floor retail units with 4 residential units on first and second floor with associated car parking, 38-42 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/164), (b) Display of externally illuminated fascia sign and non illuminated projecting sign at 14 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/148A), subject to the conservation officer agreement, (c) Conversion of first and second floor accommodation to four 1 bed self-contained flats, alterations to ground floor to allow bin storage and new staircase, 3 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2006/160 & 161LB), (d) Variation of condition 07 of permission 43/1992/097 to allow for occupation of No. 2 without compliance at 2 Orchard Court, Scotts Lane, Wellington (43/2006/166), (e) Outline application for new dwelling at 16 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2006/155) subject to the house being semi-detached/linked and providing there is no undue overlooking and loss of privacy for neighbours, (f) Erection of dwelling to side of 8 Burgage, Wellington (43/2006/159) providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours, (g) Application to fell one walnut tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 2004 at 41 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2006/170T), (h) Erection of two storey office building, Block D, Chelston Business Park, Summerfield Way, Wellington (46/2006/033).
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was opposed to the following plans: (a) Outline proposal for two storey dwelling at 1 Wayside Cottages, Pyles Thorne, Wellington (43/2006/156). Mr Hamer said he felt the site was too small to accommodate the development. It was agreed to object to the proposal for the reasons of overdevelopment of the site and the impact it would have on the character of the area, (b) Application to carry out tree work on seven lime trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1978 at the Old Vicarage, High Street, Wellington (43/2006/168T) because the work is not considered necessary, (c) Carry out tree work on three cherry trees and one mulberry tree within Wellington conservation area at the Old Vicarage, High Street, Wellington (43/2006/169T) because the work is not considered necessary.
Councillor Govier said the adoption of the roads at Dobree Park in Rockwell Green by the county council was still under discussion because of the unresolved issue about the existing footpath from the estate which comes out between 57 and 58 Rockwell Green and its proposed new route to come out next to the fish and chip shop. It was hoped the county would be able to proceed with the adoption once the new footpath had been put in place. Mr Hamer told the meeting the adoption of the play areas at Burrough Way in Wellington had moved a step nearer and Taunton DBC were happy to adopt the area and were currently waiting for Persimmon Homes’ solicitors to respond to the council’s legal department.
Councillors considered an application from Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd for a proposed telecommunications base station of a 15m high monopole with 3 antennas at Blackdown Trading Estate, Wellington. Councillor Henley said he felt the location was inappropriate and too close to houses and proposed recommending refusal which was seconded by Councillor Critchard. Councillor Govier thought that the proposed area for the mast was reasonable as it was on a trading estate but felt the proposed location of the mast on the corner of the Kings Church building next to the pavement was not suitable and suggested the mast be placed further into the estate. Councillor Stock-Williams moved an amendment, with Councillor Clark seconding, to recommend approval providing the monopole was placed further into the estate near to the rear of Travis Perkins and not in the prominent location proposed. The amendment was carried 6-5 with one abstention and when put forward as a resolution was approved 6-5 with one abstention.
PRESENT: Councillor D. Mitton (chairman), who presided, Councillor P. Critchard (vice-chairman), Councillors R. Bowrah, who arrived at 6.50pm, A. Govier, J. Clark, S. Palmer, R. Henley, E. Warren, Councillors Mrs K. Biscoe, who arrived at 7.03pm, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, Mrs N. Wilson, the clerk A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors C. Hindley and G. James and Councillor Mrs V. Byrne. There were 30 members of the public present.
It was agreed to defer the following application: (a) Erection of double garage with lay-by to rear of 28 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2006/154) at the request of Taunton DBC planning manager John Hamer who explained the planning department were currently in discussion with the applicant.
The town council considered an application for demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 8 self contained flats at Hill View, Buckwell, Wellington (43/2006/143). Letters of objection were received from S, J, R. Lovell and Mrs M. Dracup on grounds of traffic problems, congestion, noise and loss of view, plus letters of concern from Mr and Mrs W. Bailey, C. Holland and A. & J. Dryden about traffic and parking problems with a suggestion that the flats should run parallel to Bakers Lane, all enclosed. There was also a statement by the agent with regard to concerns raised about existing lane/garage forecourt, pedestrian access, existing public highway, bin stores, boundary with 113 Buckwell, wildlife and park. Mr Hamer said although it was acceptable in principle he did have some concerns about the form of the two storey building. He had also received concerns from local residents about the rights of way although there was no objection from Highways. Standing orders were suspended to allow Mr W. Bailey to speak who expressed concern about congestion in Buckwell and the difficulties with parking there. Councillor Copley said she was concerned about the impact it might have on local wildlife. Councillor Henley said he thought it would be an overdevelopment of the site and proposed objecting to the application which was seconded by Councillor Critchard. It was agreed to object to the application on the grounds of the number of dwellings proposed which was considered to be to high for the site, the form and design of the proposed block of flats, the adverse affect the development will have on congestion in the Buckwell area, and the adverse effect it will also have on the present wildlife on site.
The town council considered application for residential development to provide 69 dwellings (45 houses and 24 flats), formation of access and associated works, at the former ABL and Westford Plastics Premises, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington (43/2006/163). Mr Hamer said there was some concern about access to the site and explained government policy was to redevelop brownfield sites and go for as much density as can be achieved. Although comments had yet to be received from the highways authority, Mr Hamer said it did no raise any objections regarding access for the former application for 43 houses although there were some concerns about Payton Road. He also pointed out that if the application was refused there was still the option to use the site for industrial use which could generate an increase in traffic. It was agreed to suspend standing orders to allow some members of the public to speak.
Mr Tony Bundy said he welcomed redevelopment of the site for residential housing but had reservations about the number of houses and the increase in traffic on narrow roads. He wanted a much lower number of houses on the site such as was proposed in the previous application for 43 houses. Another local resident Mr Trevor Morgan was also in agreement with Mr Bundy and welcomed redevelopment of the site but felt the number of proposed houses was too high as did Mr Christopher Rowley who told councillors he was concerned about the effect on traffic congestion particularly at Westford Bridge. Other concerns were also raised about the possible increase of vehicles on the roads at Rockwell Green and Westford. Councillor Govier said the major concern the local residents had was the additional traffic which would result from the proposed development. There was also the ongoing issue of trying to get footpaths by the bridge. Councillor Govier proposed, with Councillor Palmer seconding, a site meeting with the highways authority to see if there are improvements that can be made to the roads and also to look at the number of houses proposed on the site. This was agreed.
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of ground floor retail units with 4 residential units on first and second floor with associated car parking, 38-42 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/164), (b) Display of externally illuminated fascia sign and non illuminated projecting sign at 14 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/148A), subject to the conservation officer agreement, (c) Conversion of first and second floor accommodation to four 1 bed self-contained flats, alterations to ground floor to allow bin storage and new staircase, 3 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2006/160 & 161LB), (d) Variation of condition 07 of permission 43/1992/097 to allow for occupation of No. 2 without compliance at 2 Orchard Court, Scotts Lane, Wellington (43/2006/166), (e) Outline application for new dwelling at 16 Victoria Street, Wellington (43/2006/155) subject to the house being semi-detached/linked and providing there is no undue overlooking and loss of privacy for neighbours, (f) Erection of dwelling to side of 8 Burgage, Wellington (43/2006/159) providing there is no undue overlooking or loss of privacy for neighbours, (g) Application to fell one walnut tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 2004 at 41 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2006/170T), (h) Erection of two storey office building, Block D, Chelston Business Park, Summerfield Way, Wellington (46/2006/033).
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was opposed to the following plans: (a) Outline proposal for two storey dwelling at 1 Wayside Cottages, Pyles Thorne, Wellington (43/2006/156). Mr Hamer said he felt the site was too small to accommodate the development. It was agreed to object to the proposal for the reasons of overdevelopment of the site and the impact it would have on the character of the area, (b) Application to carry out tree work on seven lime trees included in Taunton Deane Borough (Wellington No. 2) Tree Preservation Order 1978 at the Old Vicarage, High Street, Wellington (43/2006/168T) because the work is not considered necessary, (c) Carry out tree work on three cherry trees and one mulberry tree within Wellington conservation area at the Old Vicarage, High Street, Wellington (43/2006/169T) because the work is not considered necessary.
Councillor Govier said the adoption of the roads at Dobree Park in Rockwell Green by the county council was still under discussion because of the unresolved issue about the existing footpath from the estate which comes out between 57 and 58 Rockwell Green and its proposed new route to come out next to the fish and chip shop. It was hoped the county would be able to proceed with the adoption once the new footpath had been put in place. Mr Hamer told the meeting the adoption of the play areas at Burrough Way in Wellington had moved a step nearer and Taunton DBC were happy to adopt the area and were currently waiting for Persimmon Homes’ solicitors to respond to the council’s legal department.
Councillors considered an application from Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd for a proposed telecommunications base station of a 15m high monopole with 3 antennas at Blackdown Trading Estate, Wellington. Councillor Henley said he felt the location was inappropriate and too close to houses and proposed recommending refusal which was seconded by Councillor Critchard. Councillor Govier thought that the proposed area for the mast was reasonable as it was on a trading estate but felt the proposed location of the mast on the corner of the Kings Church building next to the pavement was not suitable and suggested the mast be placed further into the estate. Councillor Stock-Williams moved an amendment, with Councillor Clark seconding, to recommend approval providing the monopole was placed further into the estate near to the rear of Travis Perkins and not in the prominent location proposed. The amendment was carried 6-5 with one abstention and when put forward as a resolution was approved 6-5 with one abstention.
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