Wellinton Town Council 2007 minutes

Monday, April 16, 2007

Wellington Town Council planning meeting March 2007

Minutes of the 119th planning meeting of Wellington Town Council held in the United Reformed Church Hall in Fore Street, Wellington on Monday, 5th March 2007 at 5.30pm

PRESENT: Councillor P. Critchard (vice-chairman), who presided, Councillors R. Bowrah, J. Clark, A. Govier (who arrived at 6pm and gave his apologies), E. Warren,
R. Henley, Mrs G. Copley, Mrs V. Stock-Williams, and Mrs N. Wilson, the clerk A. Brown, the assistant to the clerk Mrs J. Thorne, and Taunton DBC planning manager Mr J. Hamer. There were apologies from Councillors D. Mitton, S. Palmer, G. James, C. Hindley, Mrs C. Biscoe and Mrs V. Byrne. There were 30 members of the public present.

Councillor Bowrah said he was a member of Taunton DBC planning committee and reserved his right to vote differently at Taunton DBC planning committee meeting than as at the town council planning meeting as different facts could be placed before him. Councillor Stock-Williams declared a personal interest in the planning application at Westford as she had been involved in a petition with residents but she did not have a prejudicial interest and therefore was permitted to speak but not vote. Councillor John Clark declared he had an interest as a resident of Mantle Street for the item about the proposed new medical centre. Councillor Wilson also declared an interest as a resident of Trinity Close for the item about the proposed new medical centre and also declared a personal interest in the planning application at Westford as she had been involved in a petition with residents but she did not have a prejudicial interest and therefore was permitted to speak but not vote. Councillor Henley declared an interest in the item about the proposed new medical centre as a resident of Trinity Close.

It was agreed to defer the following application (a) Conversion of ground floor shop with flat over into 2 two bedroomed flats at 23 North Street, Wellington (43/2006/157) at the request of planning officer Mr Hamer who wanted time to contact the applicant about his concerns about the proposal.

The town council received details of an application for planning permission to be determined in accordance with the delegation agreement with Taunton Deane Borough Council of 9th September 1996 and it was resolved to APPROVE planning permission for the following applications: (a) Erection of two storey extension and conservatory to rear, and erection of porch to front of 6 Tone Hill, Wellington (43/2007/006).

A presentation was made to the town council for a proposed new medical centre on land off Mantle Street by Kevin Goodenough of G2 Architects. Dr. Michael Michaels, and practice manager Lydia Daniel-Baker of Wellington Medical Centre were also present. Mr Goodenough explained to the council the medical centre building was about half the size recommended by current guidelines and parking was not sufficient. The existing medical centre was being used to full capacity and it was impractical to extend the building or add another floor. The site was too small to provide temporary accommodation in portacabins and re-build and would also prove extremely costly. Since 2001 the medical centre had considered 13 alternative sites. Most were found to be unsuitable for various reasons and too remote from the centre of Wellington. However, the Mantle Street site was identified as being the most appropriate. Mr Goodenough said although it was outside the existing settlement boundary the local planning authority considered it to be suitable for ‘community use’ such as a new medical centre. He also pointed out the new site was only 550 metres away from the existing site at Bulford and all the existing service providers including the pharmacy and dentist would relocate. The implications for the vast majority of patients and staff would be minimal and the new site would also offer improved access, parking and public transport links. A new junction would be created on Mantle Street which was expected to have minimal effect on traffic flows and road safety. All the existing services will be provided at the new medical centre in purpose-built and dedicated facilities with all the patient accommodation located at ground floor level. Measures were also to be taken to ensure the preservation of the older trees on the site some of which were over 200 years old. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mr Parfitt of Trinity Close raised concerns about security of the new medical centre and was told the new access would be gated and locked at night. Other residents also raised concerns about parking on Mantle Street, and thought it would lead to extra traffic. Mrs J. Reed, of Bulford, asked what would be happening to the Bulford site and was informed the site would be sold and negotiations were currently taking place. Councillor Wilson was concerned about elderly patients crossing Mantle Street which was busy. Councillor Henley pointed out 550 metres down the road was quite a distance for an elderly or disabled person and disputed the safety of Mantle Street stating that a number of fairly nasty accidents had taken place there. Councillor Bowrah thanked the medical centre for their presentation and recognised the merits of the new site. Councillor Clark was concerned about the effect on traffic and parking in Mantle Street and agreed with Councillor Henley about the safety of the street. Councillor Critchard thanked representatives from Wellington Medical Centre for their presentation.

Councillors were asked to consider a pre-application proposal for a new scheme for 4 new houses at Hill View, Buckwell, following their refusal of a previous application for 8 flats on the site at their January planning meeting. See minute 14071. Planning manager Mr Hamer said the proposal was a lesser scheme and he thought it would be appropriate for the site. Councillor Clark said it was certainly an improvement on the previous application in the number of dwellings proposed and was more acceptable. Members agreed to suspend standing orders to allow Mr W. Bailey to speak who raised concerns about the access which currently came out on the corner of the road and was quite dangerous. He believed a new access should be created away from the corner of the road.

Councillors considered the following application: (a) Residential development to provide 69 dwellings (comprising 45 houses and 24 flats), formation of access and associated works, former ABL and Westford Plastics Premises, Payton Road, Westford, Wellington (43/2006/163). See minutes 14101 and 14072. The application was deferred from the February meeting 2007 pending receipt of details of various proposed minor road/footway improvements on the main Rockwell Green-Westford Road opposite the Weavers Arms and Greenway Road, and on the bridge over Westford Stream. Councillors were provided with a letter from the agent Mr Malcolm Turner confirming the applicant’s full rights of use of Rackfield for the provision of a pedestrian cycle link and confirming it will be made into an adoptable standard and also a letter from Tony Brown of Midas Homes Ltd indicated proposed improvement works at Greenway Road and at Westford Bridge but stating that it was not possible to extend the proposed footpath from Westford Bridge to Westford Close as it was not owned by the county council but was in private ownership. Mr Hamer told councillors the principle of the proposal was acceptable and the highway improvements put forward were reasonable and planning officers were likely to recommend approval. Councillors agreed to suspend standing orders to allow members of the public to speak. Mr T. Summerhayes, a resident from Rackfield, highlighted the problems with the roads and Mr McRob, of Westford, said he believed it was dangerous for pedestrians to walk along the roads there. Councillor Wilson said most residents she talked to in the area were not against the development but were opposed to the number of houses proposed. Councillor Clark agreed with this and said a smaller number of houses would be more acceptable. Councillor Stock-Williams suggested the developers contact Sustrans to develop a pedestrian cycle link. Mr Hamer told members the application offered a good percentage of affordable housing and a contribution to leisure facilities and without the proposed number of dwellings it was unlikely to be developed. He said the figure of 69 dwellings was not unrealistic. Councillor Govier said if planners were minded to approve the application he wanted to ensure they were robust with the developers in getting the maximum amount of money possible for additional highway improvements. Councillor Govier proposed objecting to the application because of the outstanding highway issues and the proposed number of dwellings which was seconded by Councillor Warren. The proposal was carried by 4-0 with 5 abstentions.

It was agreed to defer the following application (a) Erection of a pair of dwellings to rear of 52 High Street, Wellington (43/2006/165) at the request of Mr Hamer who had recently received amended plans for the application.

It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was in favour of the following plans: (a) Erection of two dwellings and garages with access form Blackberry Court, Swains Cottage, Swains Lane, Wellington (43/2007/012), (b) Erection of dwelling (outline application) on land adjoining 40 Church Fields, Wellington (43/2007/021), (c) Removal of cast iron water tank supports, skylight from roof of single storey extension and replacement of roof and installation of lead box gutter at The Manse, Westford, Wellington (43/2007/023LB), Councillors Henley, Wilson, and Stock-Williams declared an interest in this item because they knew the applicant and left the room while it was considered, (d) Display of internally illuminated fascia and projecting sign, Halifax, 11 Fore Street, Wellington (43/2007/014LB) and (43/2007/015A).
It was agreed to inform Taunton DBC that the town council was opposed to the following plans: (a) Erection of dwelling on land to the rear of 36 Rockwell Green, Wellington, (43/2007/018) because it was overdevelopment on a small site, (b) Erection of dwelling (outline application) on land adjacent to 32 Seymour Street, Wellington (43/2007/024), because it was overdevelopment of a cramped site. Councillor Govier declared an interest as he knew the applicant and left the room for this item.

It was agreed to inform Somerset County Council that the town council was in favour of the following plan: (a) Construction of a timber garage and workshop, 9 additional car parking spaces plus improvements to the main gates and surrounding fencing at Courtfields Community School, Mantle Street, Wellington (43/2007/013). Councillor Govier and Henley declared personal interests in this item as members of the county council.